Saturday, September 28, 2019

Pure Silver Jewelry for Partrons

Empress' Jewels


Empress has a new signature line of amazingly beautiful hand made jewelry. These are unique custom pieces that are available to our patrons at very special prices. 

Our supplier is highly respected in the industry and purity is guaranteed. We also sell silver by the ounce and in coin. Our prices are as low as possible to show appreciation for your patronage.

Besides being beautiful and affordable pure silver jewelry is an asset to creating generational wealth. Pure silver should be in your possession as part of your investment portfolio. 

Silver is crucial to the tech industry and while stockpiles of gold are rising, silver is becoming more scarce.

GAIN from 1970 low to 1980 high
FALL from 1980 high to 1985 low
GAIN from 2008 low to 2011 high
FALL from 2011 high to 2016 low


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