Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Life Nourished


One night I was having a conversation with a brother I met at a party. 

We were doing that introductory thing of trying to find a politically correct topic of conversation that was also interesting to both of us.

So we started talking about our work. I started talking about social media and I made a joke about having "twenty-eight hundred Facebook friends that I didn't know." He looked at me with a 3 second pause and said, "but what are you doing for society?"

I was stumped! Not only had this brother gone from "simple to serious" he had hit me with an epiphany. What WAS I doing for society? I didn't have a comeback. I wasn't doing very much. That reality check inspired me to work to make a difference. But what did society need?

Harriet Tubman Inspired my Search for a Mission, she said...

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
"I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other."

"I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

-Harriet Tubman-

Auntie Harriet took on the biggest challenge of her day. I had to go big to make her proud! 

There is an African saying that, "It is better to throw your spear at the moon and strike an eagle, then to aim for the eagle and strike a rock." Society needs freedom from ECONOMIC SLAVERY!

People in the US don't work to live, they LIVE TO WORK! When I ask them WHY they work, they shrug their shoulders and say, "to pay bills I'm saving to retire."

They plan to work for decades to save the money to buy a nurturing life.
It's a game they win if they die before the retirement money runs out.

I chose a track that provides a high standard of living based on happiness.  I chose a path of personal restoration, with time and space for romance.  I chose an enhanced well being. I chose the "fun side"of the wall.

Auntie's final statement brought it all together. ECONOMIC SLAVERY IS A MENTAL ILLNESS.

The first step to healing mental illness is belief that there is help and desire to be healed. We are building a community for like minded people looking to "be the future they want to live in."

Mexico's First Net Zero Community is Real de Talpa

This development is the vision of Kassiano Smith, now made manifest by this healer, teacher and musician. The resort is named for the magical village next to it, Talpa de Allende.

I work with Kassiano to offer you the experience of transforming energy at Real de Talpa's energy vortex. To share the benefits of this healing place is my contribution to freedom, hope, care, and happiness in the world.

We have made special pricing arrangements with local tour operators to offer tours of  the historic places of Talpa de Allende and our development of Real de Talpa. 

Contact me to schedule a flight from Puerto Vallarta or Guadalajara in our Cessna 310 for a day tour. 

Or contact me to arrange transportation and overnight accommodations from Puerto Vallarta or Guadalajara including a tour of Talpa de Allende and the other destinations near the REAL DE TALPA development. Patrons receive special access and benefits.



The little village of Talpa de Allende was founded when the Spanish still owned Mexico in 1599. Legend has it that the little figurine that was in the first church was tattered and falling apart. The little figure of The Virgin was wrapped in cloth to be given a holy burial.

But according to documents of the holy event,  finding herself in a lamentable state of deterioration in September, 1644, the Virgen de Talpa miraculously transformed herself from pasta de caña (cornstalk paste) into beautiful dark wood. 

The area around the Pueblo Magico of Talpa de Allende is has been famous for miracles since that day and is world renowned. 

You deserve to be happy.


Monday, August 26, 2019

Connect to Your Essence in Talpa de Allende

Disease is, in essence, the result of conflict between soul and mind, and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort. Edward Bach
I could hardly sleep last night because I knew today Rey and I would drive to Talpa with Kassiano Smith, a developer/owner who is building housing for a holistic community on a property that has it's own Vortex. Having read so much about Sedona, I learned that Vortexes are the intersections of natural electromagnetic earth energy, but that didn’t mean much to me.
Talking to friends and relatives who actually spent time in Sedona, I heard marvelous stories about the spiritual and transforming energies of Vortexes, so naturally I was intrigued. The energy was nurturing, I was told, and supported the spirit in activities such as contemplation, meditation and reflection.
I found these descriptions to be very esoteric. In any case, I wanted to have my own experience, and I did! First of all, during the 2 ½ hour drive to Talpa from Puerto Vallarta, Kassiano who is a well known Reggae musician in Mexico gave us an intensive historical synopsis of the areas we drove through.
There were mountains of marble, and towns where gold is still being mined. We drove past wide open spaces where beautiful horses have plenty of pasture to run and trees or cliffs, to protect them from the elements.  When we arrived at the Talpa property we drove through the stone entrance and down the road apiece to the two bedroom model home.
The home itself is beautifully designed with spacious rooms and surrounded by plenty of land in case you want to do a little farming for yourself. There are various models so each home will have its own flair emphasizing the personal wishes of its buyer.

What a spectacular view of the lake, surrounding mountains, woods and farmland. I was enjoying being overwhelmed by the beauty of nature when Kassiano explained to us that this was the least spectacular view of all the homes to be built and guaranteed us to be captivated by the other locations we would visit later in the day.
Enough about the model. More than anything else, I wanted to see the Vortex and feel its healing energy. To my surprise, I began feeling the subtle energy and vibration as we got closer to the source, not knowing what the source was.
Shortly, we came upon a beautiful tree with twisting trunks and branches reminiscent of the tree in the Avatar movie. As I got close enough to the tree to caress it and communicate with it, I felt a tingling throughout my body and a strange rush in my head.
Sensing my excitement, Kassiano who is also a spiritual healer offered to work with my energy as we stood by the tree. I was really happy about that since I’ve been having knee issues and joint pain has been sneaking up on my hips. I’d had a particularly difficult week and thought the 2 ½ hour drive to Talpa would be too difficult for me, but I was determined to visit that Vortex.
So now, I’m not going to give you a spoiler. And I will not tell you about the procedure Kassiano employed on my body other than to say that it was wonderful, and that within less than one hour after he blessed me with his gift, the pain in my body was completely gone. I was amazed by Kassiano’s insight and the personal things he told me about my life having never met me before.
I will admit he told me the results were only temporary. He’d addressed such a miniscule percentage of the distress that was causing me physical pain and deterioration. Little did I know I would come away from this magical environment with a new understanding of just how powerful my thoughts are and how such an energy field can intensify creativity, inspiration and accelerate healing.
I am so happy that the universe is presenting Rey with these incredible properties to sell. We will definitely purchase a home in this unique community that will provide a holistic environment where we can daily experience the healing energy of the Vortex.
P.S. The food grown in this Net Zero communal farming environment is pesticide free and only organic fertilizer is used, if any at all.
 Please SUBSCRIBE to our page:

Your $1 per month donation will help us to continue to share details as we achieve our goals and collaborate with ExPat groups dedicated to building new communities in Mexico.

Friday, August 9, 2019


My friend Pepe and his family have a custom furniture and design business in Puerto Vallarta. 

Pepe's family delivers their work to the US twice a year and they pick up items to bring back to Mexico.

They provide "door to door delivery" for about 1/2 the price of any shipping or moving company you will find.  Their product is very heavy solid wood so they can transport pretty much anything. 

Here is a description of the trip that they are on now.

They did the West Coast, they pass trough Denver, Central USA, then all the way to Maine, then New Hope Pennsylvania, after that they will go to Georgia, Florida, Texas, then they will return to Nogales to pick up a car.

After that his father will go to Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Denver, Montana, Washington State, and then back to California to to pick up house hold items for a customer sometime betweein the next  12 to 18 days so he will be in the states for the next two to three weeks if anyone needs anyone needs anything picked up and brought back text me your contact information at +1.702.334.5228.

Please share.

Mi amigo Pepe y su familia tienen un negocio de muebles y diseño a medida en Puerto Vallarta. Entregan su trabajo a los EE. UU. Dos veces al año y recogen artículos para traer de vuelta a México.

Proporcionan "a su puerta de entrega" por aproximadamente la mitad del precio de cualquier compañía de envío o mudanza que encontrará. Su producto es de madera maciza muy pesada por lo que pueden transportar casi cualquier cosa. Aquí hay una descripción del viaje que están haciendo ahora.

Hicieron la costa oeste, pasaron por Denver, EE. UU. Central, luego hasta Maine, luego New Hope Pennsylvania, luego irán a Georgia, Florida, Texas, luego regresarán a Nogales para recoger un automóvil.

Después de eso, su padre irá a Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Denver, Montana, el estado de Washington, y luego regresará a California para recoger los artículos del hogar para un cliente en algún momento entre los próximos 12 a 18 días, por lo que estará en los estados durante las próximas dos o tres semanas, si alguien necesita, alguien necesita que lo recojan y me envíen un mensaje de texto con su información de contacto al +1.702.334.5228.

Por favor comparte.