Monday, June 10, 2019



$5 dollars is less than coffee at Starbucks. Take that out of your hourly wage and realize how much of your irreplaceable time that you spend helping others achieve their dreams. What about YOU? 

One $5 donation will help us build a community that you may need in the future.
So think of it as insurance if the MAGA thing doesn't work out as advertised.



We spent years trying to get support for an economic protest one day a month with #SmoothMoneyMove.

But only the strong have the courage to fight the US war against people of color. And only the insightful have the vision to see the road that the country has taken.

A million men came to hear the wisdom of Minister Farrakhan.  He is not loved by the media or "the powers that be." And that is his strength because he must always back his statement with fact. His book about the "secret relationship" between Blacks and Jews used Jewish sources for the facts.

For sharing the truth of historical documents he was called "anti-semetic." That just confirms the power of the media and who actually controls what we trust as news and "just" entertainment.

I don't care about names or labels. I know that the only protest that worked in the US was economic.

After years of non-violent protests against violent protesters it was finally 381 days of empty buses that killed "Jim Crow."

Since we could not get pundits like Shawn King and Dr. Boyce Watkins to share our concept of  #Smoothmoneymove we removed our financial support from and oppressive regime.

We don't care that our few drops will not be missed in the ocean that is the US economy. We hope that you will realize that ALL OF US contribute over $35 Billion dollars each day to a system designed to minimize and destroy us. Instead of celebrating our ability to rise, let's exercise our right to take our economy somewhere that will respect and protect us.

So that when our people are murdered by police, or protesters exercising their first amendment rights are brutalized and Nazis get police protection in the US, at least we know that WE did not pay for it.

The US is not even apologizing for 400 years of slavery. Reparations are out of the question and HR 1242  is an insult to the African Diaspora in The US. It's not even a joke. There is not even $1 of funding. 

I moved my loved ones out of harms way. Think of it as a "lifeboat"philosophy because if the ship is sinking what do you grab? And only a fool wants to struggle to get promoted to captain of a sinking ship.

We took our economic support, from the oppressive US dragon. And we need your help to prepare a place for you to come and investigate for yourself he possibilities that exist on "The Fun Side" of "The Wall." Just in case this MAGA thing doesn't play out as advertised

Walls keep people in, better than they keep people out.

Click here for patron benefits and more details.

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